If you believe that any information in your background reports is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to dispute the report with National Background Investigations, Inc. The dispute investigation process generally may take up to 30 days, depending on the nature, scope and source of the information being disputed.

Dispute Process Overview

The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., (the “FCRA“), is the federal statute that regulates consumer background reports, and makes it a crime for persons to knowingly and willfully obtain consumer background report information from consumer reporting agencies such as National Background Investigations, Inc. under false pretenses.

By submitting your Dispute Form to National Background Investigations, Inc. or otherwise disputing your consumer report information with National Background Investigations, Inc. you are certifying to National Background Investigations Inc. that: (i) you are the individual consumer whose information you are disputing; (ii) the personal and contact information you provide is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge; (iii) the information you are disputing is inaccurate or incomplete; and (iv) you understand that you may contact National Background Investigations, Inc. Customer Service Department at any time to ask questions about the Dispute Form and the dispute process (including the ability to submit your dispute by telephone or regular mail).

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